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Don't like the Humpback look? Get rid of it with these posture exercises!

No hunchback posture, no braces needed!

humpback posture. posture exercises. hunchback posture.

Why is posture important?

Is your mother really right?! Should you sit up straight? The answer is yes...but not for the reasons you think! Let's clear up one giant myth right out of the gate...slouching does NOT increase your chances of neck or back pain. I know, it's controversial to say that. But research shows that this is true. We'll unpack this in more details at another time, but for now just trust me on that.

So why sit up straight then?

The first reason is obvious...vanity! Nobody really likes the look of having that slouched, humpback posture, right? Standing up straighter projects more confidence, makes us seem more attractive and charismatic to others, and allows us to maintain our ideal height.

But the second reason is even more important. Everything in our world is in front of us. We are constantly being pulled forward with screens, computers, and phones. But even when we do dishes or's always in front of us! Mobility is very much a 'use-it-or-lose-it' type of thing! If everything we're doing is pulling us forward, we will eventually lose the ability to bend backward (or extend) if we don't practice that. Even walking involves some light extension! If we don't do movements or exercises that counteract the flexed, slouched posture...what do you think will happen? Have you ever seen someone later in life having trouble walking? This is why posture correction exercises are so important at ANY age!

Why Am I Getting Shorter With Age?

lose height with age

This is very much related to posture! As our back bends and the head comes forward, it obviously makes us shorter. Now there's definitely more to it than just sitting up straighter! Bone density and disc dehydration also contribute to height loss. These are normal age-related changes. But on of the things that is most under your control is simply not losing the mobility you were born with! Posture exercises are great from a prevention aspect. But even if you've already lost some height or don't have your ideal posture, mobility can be gained to some degree at any age!

So What Are The BEST Posture Exercises?

Now that you know why posture is important, the video below will show you a total body postural mobility routine. These exercises are the ones shown in research to have the best muscle activation, and in my clinical experience the ones I've seen the best results with! Please remember, in order to achieve true mobility improvements, you CANNOT just do passive stretching. The movements need to also be ACTIVE, which means they may be hard or challenging. That's OK! But that's how you get true carryover into your daily activities...teach your muscles what to do.

Let me know what you think, or any questions you have!

- Rob Drenning, PT

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