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How to get up from a low chair | Don't Get Stuck!

stuck in chair

Let's be honest, getting up from a low chair is something that most of us have struggled with at some point! Some of us more than others. Actually getting stuck in a chair is a helpless feeling. Whether it's happened to you or will eventually. But fear not! There is a cure. And it's fixing the underlying root cause of the problem, not just learning to compensate. Here's how!

Why do I need help standing up from a chair?

Never used to be hard, right?! But eventually it will be for all of us. When we struggle getting out of a low chair, the reason is because we have lost the ability to go into a deep squat. There are various reasons why this happens, but the main one is that at some point in our lives, we simply stop doing this motion. And if we don't use it, we lose it!

But here's what I hate: almost every blog and video will try to teach you 'how to get out of a low chair' by showing you how to compensate (aka cheat)! They will say things like reach your hands forward, scoot to the edge, tuck your feet, rock forward, use momentum, push with hands, etc etc etc. These strategies are effective, the short term. If you're actually stuck, by all means use them. But guess what? You're going to get stuck again unless you fix the underlying cause of this problem: learning to squat deeper.

Learn how to squat deeper!

If you're a visual person and would like to see the video demonstration, then click here! Otherwise, keep reading. There are 2 basic ways. Please keep in mind, none should be painful on your knees or anything else. You may do both ways, but you don't have to. You can choose the method that feels and works the best for you!

Method 1:

Simply practice the sit to stand motion on a higher surface. You can do this by putting pillows on your chair, or by actually using a higher chair. You're shooting for a height that is challenging, but still doable to get up. Shoot for 20-30 reps (resting as needed) to be done 1-2 times per day. Then gradually make it a lower height (take a pillow out) and repeat until you're going all the way down to the low chair!

squat deeper, get out of low chair

Method 2:

Another way that will allow you to immediately squat deeper is to prop your heels up. Seems weird, I know, but give it a try! Most of the time it allows you to go lower right away. So this is a great way to practice as well. Just like the example above, you would start with 20-30 reps at least daily, and gradually reduce the height of your heel elevation until your feet are flat on the ground and you're doing the normal sit to stand squatting motion!

squat deeper, get out of low chair

Please keep in mind that these progressions may take some time, so don't get frustrated or give up. Don't expect to go lower each day. Sometimes it does happen fast, but take your time and stick with the process. It works! You can see the video of these here! Let me know in the comments how it works for you!

- Rob Drenning, PT

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