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Popping and Clicking in Your Joints?

Here's what that really means!!

Does your shoulder pop or click? Do your knees grind like sandpaper when you go down stairs? Does ANY other joint make noise? For most of us, the answer is yes! This is a very common thing, and probably the most common question I get in the clinic...what does it mean?? So let's find out.

The first thing likely going through your mind: Is this bad? Does it cause arthritis? And I have good news for you...a large majority of the time, the answer is no! There is ZERO evidence showing that joint noises either lead to pain or arthritis later in life. So fear not! Noisy joints only mean that you won’t be able to sneak up on anyone. It is NOT a warning sign of any bad disease to come. Phew!

So if it's not bad, then what causes our joints to make noise? This answer is not so simple, as it differs case-by-case. But I'll outline the 3 most common possibilities below:

Joint Surfaces Rubbing Together

Doctors often call this ‘crepitus’. This is a very normal age-related finding. I doubt anyone over the age of 50 can get up in the morning and have perfect silence in their bodies. This usually is that grinding or rubbing feeling, and happens most commonly in the knees and shoulders. I know it sounds bad but, believe it or not, this does NOT MEAN YOU HAVE ARTHRITIS...or will get it in the future! Good news, right? Joint surfaces rubbing is normal and is usually nothing to be concerned about. However, if accompanied by a large clunk with instability or pain, this may be indicative of more advanced issues and would benefit from being evaluated by a medical professional.

IT band rubbing, outside knee pain, snapping in knee

Tendon Rubbing on a Bone

This is usually more of a 'snapping' sensation. It can be pain-free and usually occurs most often in the hip, knee or shoulder. This sensation is more likely to lead to pain or tendon breakdown in the future, especially in younger people. But fortunately it's also the least common situation! In this case, it is best to have a comprehensive evaluation done by a Physical Therapist to identify potential causes and the best course of action.

Gas Release in a Joint

popping knuckles, is cracking knuckles bad?

These are the loud, audible single pops. This is when we crack our own joints! These occur most often in the spine, shoulders, knees, and knuckles. Many people intentionally pop their joints and feel looser after. Based on our current evidence, the reason for this sound is likely the quick movement of the joint that creates a gas bubble, which then pops to produce the sound. Despite the many theories out there, we have NO evidence showing us that this causes arthritis or any other damage down the line! Sorry to all the parents out there who find it annoying and tell their kids this to get them to stop…

So we can see that, generally speaking, noisy joints (however you describe the sound) are very normal! If they're not painful, then don't worry about it. Go on with your life! If it's painful, that's different. Then it's time to have someone take a look. But otherwise, keep on living!!

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