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The Single Best Exercise for Low Back Pain...Period.

best low back pain exercise athlete

Back pain sucks! Did you know that when your back hurts, the muscles in your back that support you actually SHRINK in size and get weaker? But even crazier, once your pain goes away...those muscle stay small! Crazy, right?

These are the muscles that support your back when you bend forward. And what's the most commonly painful movement to do...yep that's right...bending forward! Losing those muscles is a big reason why.

Did you know that 60-80% of people will have another back pain episode after their initial one? The reason is because of these muscles staying small and weak even when pain subsides. Research has shown that doing an exercise to get those muscles going again significantly reduces the likelihood of future back pain episodes!

If you have back pain bending forward, or if you want to prevent future issues...then this is for you! Here's how easy it is: Lye on your stomach, keep your leg straight, and lift it up 20 times. Then do the other side. Not too hard, right? Watch below for a demo, and let me know how it works for you!!

- Rob Drenning, PT

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